Sunday, November 09, 2003

Orkney was a large cohesive settlement

In an article of November 3. 2003 by Stephen Stewart in the The Herald entitled "Was Orkney the ceremonial capital of ancient Britain?, one thankfully sees some progress in the archaeologists beginning - finally - to see ancient megalithic locations to be cohesive systematic wholes put up by intelligent beings rather than isolated bunches of stones put up by savages.

On one score, however, the archaeological "community" still has not learned - with the typical archaeologist's fetishism for ceremonies and rituals. I think your average archaeologist should finally come to the realization that ancient man was NOT like your average archaeologist - he was not as ritually or ceremonially oriented, and was surely a better astronomer, and, if ancient men did have ceremonies and rituals, they were those of movable feasts, as determined by the heavenly spheres - as today.

At least, this possibility should be STRONGLY considered.

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